

“organization brings positive structure to your life”

-you, organized.-

Tried & True Moving Tips

Let’s be honest… moving is just such a pain. There are a lot of pieces to juggle, and truthfully, it can feel like a full-time job. I have gone through several moves recently and wanted to pass along some of my go-to tips and tricks to help make your next move a little more seamless. Let’s dive in!

1.     Plan Ahead

This is one of the best things you can do, and you will thank yourself on the backend, truly! It is the best way to make your move feel a little more manageable and less overwhelming. You can tackle a little bit at a time, day by day. Start with items that you don’t use regularly: think about the extra linens, holiday décor, or special dinnerware that you can go without for a few weeks. Go at your own pace - tackle 1 room, 1 closet, 1 drawer, whatever you have time for that day. This is so much more enjoyable than squeezing it all into 1-2 long a** days of packing. It’s a marathon, not a sprint!

2.     Purge and declutter before packing

You’re moving into a new space, which means you have a fresh start! This is the perfect time to get rid of those items you no longer need and have outgrown. There is no reason to spend the time, money, or heavy lifting to move those items that no longer serve you. Why put energy into moving things that you don’t even like but choose to hold onto for some reason? Think about what you want your life to look like in your new home and bring only the items that will help you accomplish that vision. Happiness and joy are the feelings that should accompany you on this next adventure. Ditch the overwhelming clutter.


3.     Number and make an inventory list of each box while packing

Numbering boxes helps you keep track of items during the move. It’s a great check to ensure all of your boxes have arrived at the new space.

Create a list or spreadsheet outlining all of the items that are in each box. This way, if you need to find something before you are fully unpacked you can easily identify which box contains the item you need.

4.     Label boxes & rooms in the new home

Not only do we number each box, but we also like to label each box with the name of the room where we want the box to be unpacked in the NEW house. It’s important to be strategic and thoughtful as you pack - thinking ahead to how you will want your new space to function. You will want to label several sides of the box so it cannot be missed by whomever is handling the box. This will make life so much easier because you are being proactive and placing items in the rooms that you will want them to go. In the new space, before boxes arrive, make sure to place signs on the rooms with the same naming conventions that you have on the boxes. This will help eliminate confusion, and someone can easily notice that a box with “Emily’s Room” should be placed in the room that has the sign “Emily’s Room”.

5.     If possible, use re-usable bins

Honestly, this is just so much better for the environment, and you don’t have to throw away so much cardboard! These are also a great way to help *simplify* your move. Forget the hassle of acquiring, assembling, taping, breaking down, and throwing away cardboard boxes when you utilize re-usable bins. Time is precious, and this alone avoids 5 steps in the moving process! Even better, they are super strong and can easily withstand any rain or water you may encounter. We love to rent bins from companies like Box Save in Boston or Gorilla Bins in NYC.

6.     Pack an essentials bag

Think about packing a bag as if you were going to a hotel for the weekend. This will have your essentials that you need for the first few nights. Keep these separate from other moving boxes so it doesn’t get misplaced and you can easily find it at the new place.

7.     Dress comfortably

Even if you hire movers, you will be on your feet all day and moving around A LOT. I like to wear comfortable sneakers and workout leggings, so I can move around easily and don’t feel restricted in my outfit. 

I hope you found these tips helpful. Moving is definitely stressful, but a big contributor to that stress is your approach. Even if you implement only one of these tips during your next move, I guarantee it will make such a noticeable impact. Always remember, a few small tweaks can go a long way.

Meghan Duplisea